Gijs Boudewijn

Gijs Boudewijn (1958) is currently General Manager at the Dutch Payments Association (DPA). He has extensive experience in domestic as well as international payments related issues. He is Chair of the Legal Support Group of the European Payments Council (EPC) after serving several terms as Board member, and Vice-Chair of the Payment Systems Committee of the European Banking Federation (EBF, after having served 3 terms as Chair). Closely involved in PSD2 matters, open banking and the RTS of the EBA. He is member of the SPAA Multi Stakeholder Group of the EPC and Vice-Chair of the European Card Payments Association (ECPA). Last, he is a member of the Payment Systems Market Expert Group (PSMEG) of the European Commission. He is a regular speaker at national and international conferences on strategic and regulatory payments related issues, instant payments, new technologies and open banking.